Don’t miss our second Hawila Self-Organized Festival!



In Kastrup Havn from the 13th-19th of June 2016, the historical sailing ship Hawila opens her deck to a new self-organized festival !
To all ye lovers of sea and sailing culture, emerging art, environmental awareness and community living, welcome!
By day, skills and knowledge sharing, in evenings a stage for artists and performers.
Access to the event is free, donation based, for all ages and sizes.

Our vision: a multidisciplinary platform in a most unusual place, a temporary experiment to support skillful practices, cultural integration, live arts and entertainment to the themes of: SAILING ENERGIES AND SUSTAINED ABILITIES.

PRICE: DONATIONS. Important! Though everything is of openly accessible, registration is needed to participate in some workshops, as they fill up fast. Check the detailed schedule for extensive information on an incredible week of inner/ outer nature, research and enjoyment; from sailing workshops to experimental performances and live concerts.

Find the ones you like, and reserve a spot through the following form : Feel free also  join our facebook event.

Bring your friends and lovers, your grandparents and children, your pirate parrots and flying dogs, see you there!

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