[Dansk nedenfor]
Last week Thursday, September 23rd, Hawila Project had the pleasure to participate in Holbaek municipality’s launch of the Land-Sea Art platform. It’s the Danish contribution to the EU-project “Land-Sea Act” that strives for the development of coastal areas in the countries around the Baltic Sea.
About 100 people weathered the storm to attend this cultural gathering at the Kystliv Centeret in Holbæk. Employees of Holbaek Harbour introduced the various projects to the visitors. Hawila Project displayed an exhibition of the historical ship’s exciting journey through its rich history, from her Norwegian origins to her current refit.
This event was also an opportunity for our collaboration with Stenhus Gymnasium to be highlighted. Our dear Despina and her counterpart Camilla Lorentzen came together with the Visual Arts students to present their screen-printing workshop. Participants could acquire clothes and accessories printed with beautiful maritime motives, all designed by the students.
Along with it, another group from Stenhus Gymnasium got the chance to introduce their Pilot Project, carried out with Despina, Elly and Tom from Hawila Project. Using upcycling as their main process, these workshops aim to raise environmental awareness by using wood scraps from Hawila’s renovation to practise and hone the student’s carpentry skills.
Soon there will be another opportunity to see their work in an upcoming event organized by Hawila Project!
To read more about the “Land-Sea Act” click here: https://land-sea-art.eu
Endnu en stor dag for Hawilas kulturelle og kunstneriske engagement!
Sidste uge, torsdag 23. september, havde Hawila Project fornøjelsen at deltage i Holbæk Kommunes opstart af platformen Land-Sea Art. Det er Danmarks bidrag til EU projektet “Land-Sea Act”, som har til formål at fremme udvikling af kystområderne i landene omkring Østersøen.
Ca. 100 mennesker trodsede stormen for at deltage i dette kulturelle arrangement i Kystliv Centeret, Holbæk. Medarbejdere fra Holbaek Havn gjorde gæsterne bekendt med de forskellige projekter, heriblandt Hawila Projects display og udstilling omkring skibets rejse gennem sit rige historie, fra hendes norske oprindelse til den igangværende renovering.
Arrangementet var også en lejlighed for at sætte fokus på vores samarbejde med Stenhus Gymnasium. Vores kære Despina og hendes makker Camilla Lorentzen havde slået sig sammen med en gruppe visuel kunst studerende for at præsentere deres Serigrafi workshop. Deltagere kunne få gratis tøj og accessories med smukke påtrykte maritime motiver, alle designed af studenterne.
Sideløbende fik en anden gruppe fra Stenhus Gymnasium mulighed for at introducere deres Pilotprojekt under vejledning fra Despina, Elly og Tom fra Hawila Project. Baseret på upcycling er formålet med disse workshops at fremme miljøbevidsthed ved at bruge restmaterialer fra Hawilas renovering til træne og finpudse de studerendes håndværklige evner. Snart vil der vise sig flere lejligheder for at se deres arbejde i en kommende begivenhed, arrangeret af Hawila Project.
For at læse mere om “Land-Sea Art” klik her: https://land-sea-art.eu