On the 18th of August we officially ended our Hawila Project and Acting 4 Climate joint collaboration in 2019. We have been sailing together on Hawila since June, trying to translate raising climate emergency awareness into the language of contemporary art. The tour powered by sail gave the artists the opportunity to experiment with new ways of low emission travelling. We visited Aalborg, Fredrikstad, Oslo, Melsomvik, the island of Anholt and Helsingor. Durig our stays in harbours the ship were being transformed not only in an unconventional stage but also in a platform for sustainable knowledge and ideas exchange bringing together the artists, the crew, travellers and local communities. Our first and last events took place in Copennagen.

Those past weeks were an intense time of working and being together. We were experimenting with living as sustainably as we could. Whenever we could we travelled by sail, emission free. We were cooking from organic supplies brought with as little plasting packaging as pssible.
We tired to stay conscious about our resources, precious sweet water, electricity (partially produced by Hawila’s movement in the water thanks to our shaft alternator),

We were struggling while crossing difficult waters together, we were getting wet together, we were drying in the sun together, we were laughing and enjoying moments of sun and relax together. We were getting emotional after the circus performances seeing the audience being touched by it.

We went though moments of not being able to escape togetherness which challenged us as individuals and a group but also made us stronger.

The tour made us grow and dream, we are looking forward to more adventures!